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Unit III

Welcome to the Dinosaur Orchestra!
We reinforce the great playing skills and musical foundations from our previous units. We discuss what it means to be a good audience member. We continue to develop musical pre-reading skills as students explore the similarities and differences between the four instrument families - strings, woodwinds, brass and percussion. Students get to play their first wind instrument, the recorder! In our poem, “Welcome to the Dinosaur Orchestra” we revisit performance skills from Unit 1 in our second musical demonstration. We invite you to join our Dinosaur Orchestra for some prehistoric musical fun!

Musical Concepts:

Responding to Music
Being a great audience member
Identifying familiar melodies, percussion timbre (metal, skin, wooden), contour, echo
Music notation: quarter, double eighth, half, and whole notes; quarter rests, the musical alphabet
Music theory: steady beat, tempo, piano/forte, timbre
Instrument Families and orchestral instruments
Listening and responding verbally and musically
Instruments: all from Units 1-3 plus Recorders


Social and Emotional Learning
Expressing personal music opinions and preferences
Understanding boundaries both physical and emotional

Physical Concepts:

Moving to a steady beat
Gross motor coordination
Guided movement and dance

Other Concepts:



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